This is why I didn't want to waste the time. I knew that no matter what I did you would find some way to discount it. Well, if you had certain standards you expected me to observe, you should have made that clear from the start, not after I present evidence that doesn't agree with you.And you want to say I'm the one making snarky-ass comments? Sorry for asking for some evidence, I'm sure you'll think this was a snarky-ass comment as well, because I'm sure every comment that doesn't agree with you entirely is considered snarky-ass, right? Let me break it to you, you'll find a lot of snarky-ass comments if that is your standard, so you might as well leave again, you won't be missed.
Yeah, lets see some Realtemp numbers, not speedfan that doesn't keep track of what the actual max was. Because the temps can jump 3-5° in a matter of a second with both tests, which is why I use realtemp to tell me what the actual max reached was.
I watched OCCT and IBT every second for a couple of runs so I could do the screen print at the moment each hit the highest temp. If you don't want to believe that, tough. I'm not doing these tests again just satisfy you. You think there's no difference? Fine, there's no difference. You win. Later.