I see no use of downdraft coolers in matx/atx.
Did you mean to say "matx" too? Assuming you mean µATX (microATX), many, if not most, µATX cases are small and therefore may not have room for a tall cooler. Now of course, most mid and full tower cases usually support µATX boards too. In that case, then no issues unless a very "slim" case.
I all ways thought Ryzen,s stock coolers were good.
Contrary to what many want us to believe, both Intel and AMD OEM coolers are fully capable of keeping the CPUs they came with "
adequately" cooled, with
default settings, in a
properly cooled case. And note as explained back in post #5, "adequate" does not mean "as cool as possible". Point being, it doesn't have to be more than adequate.
But it wasn't always that way. Years ago, OEM coolers got a bad reputation for being noisy and inadequate, a reputation they sadly, but rightfully earned. Thanks to a lot of bad press and user complaints, both eventually wised up. And both fully understand, for many of their CPUs, their OEM coolers are totally
inadequate! And in those products, no OEM cooler is included. You must go 3rd party.
They are, just not in every situation
I totally agree. When case cooling is lacking, changes to the default voltages and timings are more than just very minor, or during extreme taskings, the OEM coolers may not be enough. I will add, however, if the user is doing extreme tasking, then perhaps they should have picked a different CPU in the first place - if the budget permitted. I will also add that "
marketing weenies" for both AMD and Intel, as well as the factory computer builders overhype the realistic capabilities of many of those products.
You do realize the c14 and tf2 are among the very best downflows money can buy right?
LOL - You are so eager to criticize another, you don't even understand what you think you are defending!

We were discussing potential problems the "weight" being enhanced by the "leverage" created by tall tower coolers hanging off motherboards. That has absolutely nothing to do with how good (or bad) the C14 and TF2, or any other cooler is.
And FTR, no where was I being critical of the C14 or the TF2. They are indeed, excellent coolers - even though some might argue for downdrafts, they too are tall and "top heavy" and "IF" the case is bounced about or transported in a tower orientation, that leverage/weight "may" (I never said "will") put undue stress on the board.
Regardless, taking two specific examples out of 100s of possible products and 1000s of different scenarios does not prove a hypothetical - one way or another.
Clearly there are times when a tower cooler is better suited for the job just as clearly there are times when a downdraft cooler may be better suited.
Regardless, the OP asked, which do we "prefer" among the two categories. He did not ask about specific models - also my point.
A quality tower will last virtually forever. Where as a downflow cooler...nope.