FLY3R said:
dang look how many post in this thread, this is crazy, keep it up guys. i guess this was a good idea of mine after all.
Yea, it's cool... lol, & I am having some fun @ it, learning as I go (overclocks & all adversely nuking my score)!
The competition part for me is spurring me on to try to get more out of the program itself, my OS which it rides on, & also @ a hardware level thru my teachers here on that account (& believe me, I have learned here on the hardware-end which I let "go slack" for years due to concentrating more on the software-side)
E.G.-> Learning here for me, from folks like Ketxxx, POGE, Tatty One & others (Jimmy 2004 says I know it all, & I don't... that all proves it. Can I get stronger here? I can assure you, with certainty, I have albeit w/ help, the RIGHT help imo, the results now show (2.4ghz -> near 2.8ghz)? I couldn't have done it myself imo)...
That's what I get outta competing!
The impetus to do better & learn more (no work or effort's EVER wasted in my book, & me learning how to o/c better is a fruit of that labor & good review no doubt for my instructors noted above).
It benefits this team, & us imo @ least, individually & yes, others reading about o/c'ing to get more outta their rigs they have... e.g.-> demonbrawn's out to hype up his rig, much like mine... he gains @ our study & work on MY system in the o/c I did, & said so.
Plus, of course, this project helps a great cause & acts as a system benchmark over a long haul imo @ least... the SCORE part especially. Dual bonus!
ANYHOW... there tis!
P.S.=> Others are joining now, rightfully so imo - it is a good cause, we have great systems here on this forums, so it makes sense (interesting & you can learn things - no work, or study, is a waste imo... not in THIS field)... apk