Hello all. Fits invited me here to see if you guys could help me out with an issue I'm having.
I'm trying to set up folding with a G92 card on the same rig as GT200 cards. Specifically, a 9800 GT from EVGA with a pair of GTX 285s.
I'm running the 182.08 drivers on Vista 64. I've had both 285s folding along with no problems whatsover pulling 7500-9000 ppd depending on the WU. I wanted to add the 9800 to use for PhysX when gaming but mainly as another folding card, but after installing and setting it up, I get the following message:
Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE
I have searched around and found that many people are having trouble getting these two generations of cards to work together for folding on the same rig.
I should add, I've added the -advmethods switch as well as -gpu 3 (as this is the third GPU) and have followed all the exact same steps for setting it up as I did when I set up my second 285, which went off without a hitch.
If anyone has any tips or if anyone has gotten them to work, I'd love some help!