Try OC'ing it if you haven't. You'd probably touch 10k. Push the core clock (or shader clock ince in the 2xx series they aren't linked) as much as possible.
So, I have a friend who, I found out today, folds. He only started a few weeks ago, and doesn't fold for any team. I'm totally gonna try to get him to join us here and fold with us.
He has a PII 1090T and a 460 OC'ed.
Good man get him putting those points towards us! Make sure he's got that x6 either doing -smp or bigadav also!
Sorry i've been missin from the forums a few days. I've been real sick. Woke up at like 3 a.m. on christmas and just started throwin up everywhere. Spent all day christmas sleeping and throwin up about every 30 mins. Didn't even feel like using my gifts or even setting anything up.
Well i got a wall mount for my LCD a new desk, some fancy rope lights black ops, sc2, a little r/c helicopter and some clothes. It was actually a great christmas for gifts as the only thing i asked for was black ops and sc2 and the rest i got surprised with and was very happy with them! I will post a pic up later of the room all setup. I finally felt better to getting around to getting on the forums now
Oh and my x58 mobo should be here tomorrow along with my egg gift card. I found
this ram on the egg with a promo code for $20 bucks off so it's 65 bucks for some decent brand ram at decent speeds. Cl ratings aren't the best but hey for $65 bucks i'll live with it for a bit.
Hope everyone had a great christmas!