Are you referring to a supercomputer or large computer array?
I apologise ,I had replied but clearly something went wrong.
I Googled a lot of stuff on hive's a while ago, people have succesfully got a small lynux run, set of computers working in a hive(over regular net connections) together as one system and applied it to folding as a single multi core entity, I personally was waiting on several things before having a go myself ie time , money , cheap enough components(8 core cpu's at reasonable money) and a fish tank to put it all in but i will indeed do this at some point soon.
I believe someone made a hive of rasberry pies that folded(x64 units) but im unsure where i got this last nugget of nonesense from
also I am finally moveing into my own place at the end of the month so i will be rejoining the folding flock full time agian soon.
Ecigs suck btw get on the patches, I am