I have 3 profiles saved in my CMOS setup: Stock Optimized (everything in the fun settings is on Auto, with other stuff changed in the CMOS like disabled floppy drive etc), and then a profile to run 3GHz and then one for 3.2GHz.
I dropped to 3GHz (which also brings me down from 400x8 to 333x9, so much less FSB/stress on the chipset), ran 3DMARK, got the black screen. I dropped all the way to stock 2.4GHz (266x9) and ran 3DMARK. It came to an unresponsive white screen (the white screen has happened too during previous runs).
Having run everything at stock with a failure to complete a run of 3DMARK, combined with my BSODs being x119 (which seems to point to video... I have had rogue BSOD problems in the past, but they were usually x124 indicating something fucky with my overclock) I'm thinking something is up with the video card.
The previous owner ran the card with no issues. He spoke of running 3DMARK and the scores he got with the card, so evidently he was able to run the benchmark that I can't. I think maybe it's because the card uses the much newer PCI-E 3.0 standard, while my board supports only 1.0/1.1/1.0a???