Iron Maiden - The Trooper
Fresh meat!
Even if I didn't find so much stuff like in the past years, the Flea Market Gods have been kind to me!
1. Arctic Cooling - Slim Silent Pro TC - NOS/NIB - full package
2. Redragon VARA K551 - Outemu Blue / RED led - in full working condition - full package - already cleaned and put to work at my office. No more rubber dome for me there!

Shhh ... don't ask about the noise though. Even if at home I have a Cherry MX Black keyboard, I really like those Blue Outemu switches.
3. NEC D3142 - 44MB MFM HDD - 1988 *** 31+ years old! My first MFM HDD. The funny thing is that I didn't buy 4 MFM controllers that were sold for peanuts a few weeks ago. Life works in mysterious ways. The HDD starts and stops as it should but I am unable to test it. Probably ok. Probably... Ancient tech that dies hard. Also it is complete with a factory BAD.
4. As expected I've been confronted with a massive shortage of japanese electrolytic capacitors so I'll have to use what I have in my box-of-parts or I'll have to scavenge some caps from other boards but this will be a last resort measure applied only in exceptional cases. Keep your fingers crossed as I need it to revive yet another slot A motherboard. Chances are 50/50 that I might be successfull ...
5. The Sk A CPUs were bought as a test.
Chipped to death. How much chipping until being dead? Well, that amount of chipping will just about do it ... rest into
the great silicon void beyond ...
6. ASUS K7M Rev:1.04 - My 3rd K7M.

You can never have too many slot A motherboards!

I still need a GFD but I don't hold my breath for finding one ... if I'll ever find one.

Where I live those were rare as hen's teeth even back in the day ...
7. AMD Slot A 600MHz CPU -
K7600MTR51B A
8. PowerColor Riva
TNT2 32MB - CTNT2SG Ver1.0 - missing some bits. Probably still alive.
9. SDRAM - 32MB,128, ECC/REG