OK, so I finally tested the first two of upcoming 4 systems, which I picked up last week... 1st one booted up OK, but the hard drive was stuck & making squealing noises. And surprise, surprise - it was a Maxtor unit, would you believe that?!
Anyhow, the 1st Celeron system is just a basic one... Not much to tell, Intel Desktop board & S478 Celeron running at 2.0GHz. However, the 2nd one ... turned out to be quite a surprise actually. Asus P4P800 SE, with dual DDR memory channels, SATA interface, etc. The system wasn't turning on, and you could tell just by looking at the hardware inside that someone picked it clean, thinking it's completely toasted. The CMOS battery was missing, hard drive(s) removed, along with the video card & anything useful. However, it occurred me that the problem I'm having might had been related with fancy China-made computer case, which has one of those LCD panels & tons of buttons built into the front panel. So when I disconnected the actual "hardware" power switch & shorted the power-on pins with the screwdriver, system booted up perfectly fine!

Woohoo, this is going to make awesome toy, for me to play with! It has a 2.8GHz Pentium 4 chip, and I already mounted 512MB of RAM, might add additional pair into the other two banks, upgrading it to 1GB in total.
On a side note, I took the liberty of checking my Intel 4x86 DX4 system here for CMOS battery charge & dust inside the case... it's been years since the last time I've had it up & running, but as you can see here, it's still working the way it should! In fact, I don't think I ever had this one posted here on TPU (not to be confused with AMD 5x86), so enjoy this true oldtimer!
Time to play some old school DOS games!
Anyone up for Windows 3.11?
Oh, no!!