One thing fellas..... I want a third HD 4890.
Funny that you guys are talking about SLI & Crossfire because (among all these Adison-related items) I was recently donated a pair of identical, passively cooled 8600GTS cards made by Gigabyte, both featuring "Silent-Pipe3" huge heatsink(s) ... exact model is GV-NX86S256H. Now, don't get me wrong because this project is still MILES away from even being started ... not to mention the fact that I'm missing tons of parts, but eventually, I'm going to put together a 8600GTS SLI rig inside that 3rd Adison case, a sleeper build

Providing a decent airflow inside one of those towers is going to be a real nightmare, but I really don't see why not. I already got the Adison tower, I got the motherboard (AM2+ or AM3, if I'm not mistaking) and I got the cards + the SLI bridge. So I would only need a decent CPU, loads of DDR2 RAM, decent hard drive and a sturdy power supply to be able to run everything without blackouts or overheating. Sooo yes, eventually! Stay tuned...
I'm so glad you finally found it! And guess what... I may have found your original keyboard, the BTC 8110W. I could grab it for you from my local auction site.
View attachment 176998
I'll send it to you just for the price of shipping. I'm in continental Europe so the cost should be very low. Please let me know.
wow, that is a frigging awesome gesture
I'm quite sure
@Trekkie4 will jump on that offer!!!!!
Wow!! Yes, YES I will!

This one is technically not the identical to the one I had back in a day, as mine didn't have those 3 buttons on the left ("Power Off", "Wake Up" & "Sleep") but they are completely the same otherwise, down to every single detail!
@QuietBob I'll send you PM in a moment, and we can discuss details through there.
Hmm... Or not, it says "This member limits who may view their full profile", so I can't message you. Send me a msg instead, hopefully it will work other way around?