Long time lurker, I really enjoy reading all the excellent info & discussion here from people who know far more than me

about hardware i wanted, but never got to own. Please keep it up
Time to break my silence to celebrate a birthday.... 20yrs ago I built my first new custom PC to take to University.
I found the receipt recently and thought the spec/price comparison was interesting.
(Excuse the photo, no digital camera yet)
Not bleeding edge but not budget, I worked all summer to pay for it and hoped it would last me for a while.....
It was a huge upgrade to my hand me down PII with matrox graphics.
I grabbed a pioneer slot DVD and a few other bits from computer fairs, had a Dell OEM Soundblaster Live and reused an old 8.4GB hard drive until upgrading to 40GB later that year for £68!
In hindsight an Athlon XP system would have been cheaper and probably just as fast?
A few changes over the years - upgraded to an ATI 9800 pro, lost the dialup modem, memory etc, but it's still working fine and now my retro XP PC.
I still love the Lian Li PC60 but can't cable manage in it
Thanks for celebrating this milestone birthday with me

does any one else have a nice build story or system birthday to celebrate?