So I watched a couple other streams from Infinity: Battlescape and I gotta say it seems to have what Elite is missing, I ended up backing it for $20. I figure I don't need to be in the beta...and if they meet their needs they might give people access anyways...almost all other successful kickstarted games end up doing so.
I really hope this one comes to fruition...and it seems to be more focused on combat which I'm all for. It also seems more tailored to MP, which many of you will be all for. I am still uber impressed for a "prototype" that they're playing, it seems like the years they've put into this has a good foundation to show...but also worries me that 9/2017 might not be enough time depending on what all they want to add (which is a lot...).
Anyways...I have also been playing Starpoint Gemini 2 and Rebel Galaxy...and boy could you have two similar games be any more different? I love it and because of Rebel Galaxy I'm finally able to get into SG2. I honestly think ya'all should own both!
But for my simming action, I am reinstalling Tie Fighter from GoG as we speak...after reading an article and watching the new Star Wars movie trailor...I need some SW action in my life again and Tie Fighter really took the cake...I played that game more than any other game ever...period.
But for now, EvoMerc is doing just fine...finally made a good CH map for my HOTAS and flying in that game has never felt so good. Started a new pilot...just a Mercenary. But I'm having A TON of fun.
I have decided to upload my current Elite Dangerous and Evo Merc control schemes as well...and found the CH Printer app which makes seeing what my controls are that much easier! I just have the Fighter Stick and Pro Throttle tho. No pedals, I just use a 4-way HAT for great for me.
I try to keep my control schemes similar between games to ease in the adjustment pains of switching between them. Especially someone more on the casual side like myself.
I plan on updating the OP at some point...I'd like to add stuff about the recent space games, update the Elite, SC and NMS stuff. Maybe make this thread worth sticky-ing at some point.
CH HOTAS Combo (FighterStick + Pro Throttle)
Map Printer Download (to get the graphical config screens like I have below):
I should add that, I use the combine devices to a single device with the maxed out options, and extra compatibility features.
Remember after opening you must not only download the profile to the device you must set it to Mapped Mode. You might need to relaunch the game in order for this to work. You will also need to load the profile for each game you want to use as control schemes will be different.
Elite: Dangerous - 10/2015
My control scheme relies on a couple of minor changes in the game. POV on the stick is used for power management, the thumb stick is used for lateral thruster axis. Beyond that all controls on the stick have a purpose...most on the throttle do. I should mention, my controls for me at least are more combat oriented.
Evochron Mercenary Controls - 10/2015 Beta 1
My control scheme relies on configuring the axis appropriately. Adjust to your liking.
Coming Soon...
Star Citizen Alpha x.xx
Tie Fighter
X-Wing (maybe)
EDIT: Updated OP to clean it up a little bit.