That's why they call me Slim Shady... I'm back... I'm Back...
Don't all get too exited
Anyhoo yeah I'm back and I've got a little i7 4770K / 780Ti action going on now, got my WCG back up and running this week. (Not seeing those juicy GPU units at the moment? Was exited to see the 780 chew them up but so far nothing)
For those of you following my exploits ( lol yeah, because you are all just on the edge of your seats aren't ya

to escape Africa, I'm now up and running in the UK, Greater Manchester - working - but differently open to other options. Not that there is anything wrong with what I'm doing now, but I really do have a lot more technical ability than is being put to use at the moment, or in the foreseeable future as its a very financial type group I'm with at the moment.
Its all reports and report databases... I actually sort of ENJOY some physical doing sometimes and there just isn't any...
BUT so far it got me a 4770, and now its folding for the team, and if anyone on the team is in Greater Manchester and is looking for IT type staff who support projects like this - drop me a msg
So to sum it up, Hello, Good to be back