My CL adventure:
Back in January, I found a motherboard/CPU/RAM combo on CL that I thought that the team could use for the February Challenge. Norton and I talked about it and I met with the guy, who actually brought it to my house because I wanted to test it. I could not get it to work and wanted to test it further. By that time I had seen that it was a 2600K on an Intel DH67DG with 4GB of RAM. But dead is worthless, so I offered him $20 (for the RAM) and promised him that I would pay him the rest if I got it to work. At the time, I only had one other 1155 system and I did not want to use it to verify if the parts worked. I called Intel and they RMA'd the motherboard but that did not help. They then RMA'd the CPU but then refused it when they got it because it was not a retail S/N. (still don't understand why they couldn't tell me that before I sent it to them) In the mean time I found a Celeron G530 on CL and verified that the motherboard and RAM were good. I had also picked up a MSI Z77A-GD55 motherboard on CL a few weeks ago. In preparation for this challenge, I was glued to CL trying to find i5's or better and finally scored an i5-3450. Yesterday, as I was assembling the 2 systems, I had this strong urge to try the 2600K on the MSI motherboard. Imagine my surprise when it booted.

I owe someone some money. (gladly) Did I mention that he was only asking $75?

So, for this challenge, I'm bringing the following:
7 threads 2600K @ 4.4 on Win7 (also running the 7770 Folding)
8 threads 2600K @ 4.2 (OC Genie) Linux
4 threads 3450 @ 3.5 (stock turbo) Linux
And we're having a record breaking heat wave.