im 20,and i feel much,much older. like some part of me is already a few thousand years old.
i often behave much more reasonable, and confident, than 40 year old people i know... and i then cant understand, where this "elderly calmness" sometimes came from...and why no one can stand up for himself, even in that high age... i always was like that. as kid, i didnt cried much, i didnt needed friends, i was able to entertain myself. and i really struggle to find someone thats even percentual like me. like 10 persons independendly called me "Freak" in my Life, because im so horribly misplaced,somehow.
They all seem to feel,that there is something strange about me, and that i dont belong here. i belong on a place, where i can manifest things out of thin air, just because i want to. where there are no physical and psychological borders. i sometimes stand there, beeing furios, that i cant manipulate matter, or hold things in the air thru pure will. not because i want to be able to do that, just because i somehow try to do that, without really realizing that i do!

how often do i use my hands, to direct invisible energy, without no one ever told me how to do that?
i have my own personal world, full of multicolored energy, and protective fields,energic beams, which works like a dimmable overlay. and i dont even know a bit, if thats a part of personal madness, or if i really have extraordinary powers. i just know 2 things. i disbelieved it for months, till i prooved myself that it works.
And that it works like a car repaired by native africans, only with industrial rubble

i always knew i had some kind of mission. and i always disliked unreal authority. im able to learn, but i wont listen to an idiot, and most times knew things better,that people realize.
someone here believing in rebirth, and reincarnation of "elder" souls=?
BIG Sorry for such an offtopic Post!