You are most certainly welcome. Happy to be here. I was getting forum withdrawals from our XS site being down.
.....A couple of other stat pages for folks to play with. They are from the Free-DC stats page and we use them a lot at XS.
This page shows the overall team stats for WCG. TechPowerUp is currently ranked 2,775 at the time of writing . You are moving up fast, past other teams. It will likely be a lot higher in a few days.
EDIT: Hehe, just in the last update the team moved up 200 places to 2,565!
I updated my link.....I'll do so again in a few days when we've moved up a thousand or so places...
EDIT#2: Well just checked. The team moved up over 4 hundred places and is at 1,931 with today's output!!
Link updated....
This page has team member stats. Rammie and I skewed this page by joining since we came with a boatload of points. This will straighten out when we go. It's skewed because this shows a team members total points.
What is useful is the daily columns. This is where the XS folks talk about getting "pie". The top ten users get a slice of pie. At XS, someone generally posts this. It adds to the friendly competition we have. The last few slices are hotly contested on our team. By Rammie and I coming over here, there will be new folks getting some pie on XS. It should be interesting.
Of note on these pages is that they show "BOINC" points. The WCG site takes these and multiplies them by a factor of about 7 in order to show you "WCG" points. This was done some time ago when WCG was running a different client. When the BOINC software came around and WCG transitioned to it, the points were multiplied in order to be on par with the work done by the old client. So,
BOINC points * 7 = WCG points.
The Free-DC pages update more often than the WCG home page does. I know this sounds odd, but that's the way it works. The Free-DC site pokes the WCG stats server more often than WCG's own webpage does. This allows you to check your stats through the day. The WCG page updates twice a day. Free-DC does it, IIRC, about 4 times a day.
As you continue to grow your WCG team membership, it may be appropriate to ask your admins to set you up with a forum sub-section. You have one for folding, which is different from crunching WCG. I just had one set up for GPU crunching on the new team XS set up on GPUGrid.org. I crunch there as well doing projects for them.
In any case, best of luck on recruiting membership. We generally go around our XS forum and recruit new folks. We also tell our friends and neighbors what we do. You'll find there's lots of people that didn't even know this existed. When they know they can contribute to curing some really bad stuff, they generally are easy to get going.
EDIT: Crossed posts with Hicks. Good to see you!