Far cry 5 in my opinion had a good single player story and i replayed single player 3 times before i had enoufh. It also ran much better than fc4 on pc. Fc5 maxed out and my old cpu cut still handle it and keep fps above 60 fps accept a few places. While fc4 for me whas lag on lag and ghosting (ran sli back then). It dit not run good for me and i have retest it with one card and still lag.
But there is one thing that dissapointed me a lot with fc5. The endings in sp. No matter what of the 3 endings, i dit not get to put a bullet in Joseph Seed's head. It atill annoyes me today that i dit not get to kill him.
I think im getting new dawn cause i liked fc5 accept from sp endings and zombie dlc whas annoying with that screaming idiot and stories whas a bit meh kind of feeling. Vietnam is good and the alien part is alright.