I put the GTX-1080FEs into the i7-7700K system but left them at stock settings. (1974MHz. GPU Speed, 5205MHz. Memory)
The CPU is set to run at 4.9GHz. and the 16GB of system memory is at 3200MHz speed.
Gaming is snappy and temps are good to go. This is as far as I plan to take this PC since I'm happy with it the way it is now.
In a few months, I'll have another 1080Ti card and those will go into the i7-8700K that I plan for soon.
The i9-7900X has a pair of GTX-980Ti cards in it now but in two weeks I'll have it's two GTX-1070Ti cards here.
The CPU is fast, but the 980Ti cards really slow things down. GPUs make all the difference.
I'm not convinced that the 7900X was a good idea for a gaming box.
No games that I like can use all of its cores properly and it uses a lot of power compared to the i7-7700K and the i7-6700K boxes next to it.
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The i7-6700K is pretty nice for an older CPU. Here is a run with the GTX-1080Ti single card in it.
CPU speed is 4.6GHz. and the GPU is at stock settings. There is 16GB of DDR4-3200MHz. RAM in it.
All of my systems are now on Win-10, 64 bit.
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