Well by this rate of success I thought it would be good to try the trick with the latest Realtek drivers available ,so far it seems to be this one but as Realtek releases drivers updates very frequent this may not be the latest in a few days or week however ..good news IT WORKS
However there is something that you have to pay
Ill explain what I did and how
A1 method ONLY:
1. I downloaded the latest drivers that I could find from here :
2. I extracted the installer and replaced the respective dll's with the modified one 2.79 I did both of them just in case (I know its not necessary)
>>>2. Replace file in the official driver with the one here. ( http://rghost.net/6RfCvqBY9 )<----- replace both files 64 and 32 bit (A1 method files) <<<
3. now with the installation prepared I manually removed existing Realtek drives using Control Panel > Program & Features > selected \realtek > Uninstall
4. Reboot > I let the system reboot once as I have a scanner that scans for leftovers and If necessary additional removes leftover files and reg entries , with this done fun started.
5 Now I was ready to install the new prepared Realtek drivers but FIRST AND IMPORTANT one more REBOOT to desable DRIVER SIGN.
>>>3. Disable driver signature enforcement from advanced startup when installing. To get into advanced startup for Win7/8/8.1/10, hold shift and press restart. For previous Windows versions, press F8 on startup. <-----!!!! VERY IMPORTANT TO DO or it wont work!!!! <<<
6.Back again with driver signature disabled I installed the drivers once they finished BEFORE REBOOTING ,
don't let AUTOMATICALLY REBOOT after installation and check your
DWORD entry you have put before...
in my case it was gone ! so if its not there follow this steps :
>>>2. After installation, open Run, type in "regedit" without quotes. Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Audio". Add "DisableProtectedAudioDG" of DWORD (32bit value) type and set it to 1. <--- be sure the DWORD is where it has to be or it wont work
3. Restart normally. <<<
Once back in Windows

it was there nice and shiny DTSI / DDL working as before only with the latest Realtek drivers :
I checked all formats available ..working as usual..when you TEST tone DTSI it will play only TWO ch but this behavior is well known and doesn't effect real reproduction of audio.
Hope it works for you too who ever wants to give it a try.