Stupid Question about the Overdrive & PowerTune settings.
(I have Sapphire 7950 boost cards)
My original bios settings for OD & PWR Tune are.
Max core clock - 1200
Max memory clock - 1575
TDP Limit (%) - 20
TDP(W) - 167
Power Limit (W) - 130 - 200
I changed this to
TDP(W) - 200
Power Limit (W) 160 - 240
Ok, I always need to set my cards to +20% to keep them from throttling when overclocked.
So looking at my TDP of 167 and adding the 20% that gives me the 200 listed in the original power limit.
So I just changed my TDP(W) from 167 to 200 and figured that makes my default the +20% extra I needed without the need to literally go in and add the +20% through software all the time.
And of course, now if i move +20% manually in software, it will be the new 240 value instead of the original 200.
Was my way of thinking correct?
When i don't change it, I still have to manually add the +20% in software to prevent throttling, So i just edited it in the bios instead.
Other than that, everything went flawless with my overclock and voltage/fan settings and I'm thrilled to be rid of boost and not having to disable ULPS all the time just to use a 3rd party software to overclock.
Now I can just keep my drivers up to date and not worry about getting everything OC'ed just right in software anymore.
Thanks a lot for sharing this darkhmz!