So hey guys

I'm Back! ... well not really
I've made it to the UK and I cant wait to get crunching again - There is just one problem - I need a new rig... and the internet... and a job XD
So, Anyone here looking to hire ?
I'm half joking and half serious to be honest - The sooner I can get working the sooner I can get back on the team - I'm looking for pretty much anything that offers in the general IT line of work - I'm good with
system building, maintenance, installations, troubleshooting, sales and support - I've a wide range of experience including
PABX installations (Telephone systems) and (
Junior) Site/Project management for MTN (Africa's biggest cellular provider) managing both existing sites, implementation of new ones and all of the affairs that go with that from a property point of view.
I'm not looking for anything fancy - and I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty - just something to get me going.
Down the line I plan on acquiring some Cisco qualifications and moving in the networking direction, beginning with CCENT / CCNA. (I already have the study material to begin working on that in my own time - so I'm free for full day work)
I realise this may not be the best place to start job seeking , but if anyone is interested I'm currently in
Bolton and available to the general
Greater Manchester area UK.
So if anyone is interested please give me a shout we can get in touch directly and take it from there
Then hopefully I can get a nice shiny new Haswell and start posting some numbers again! Wish me luck team XD