OK, BACK!!!!!! Did you miss me? Bah!
So, in honor of
@Norton filling in for a few, umm, one of two, posts, I will do something special.
What that is, I don't know. At some point I will come up with something. Until then, hold your breath until you pass out. When you wake up, go straight to your BOINC Manager and set the last line in "Computer Preferences" to "100%" and then, go turn on a fan and watch TV, go to sleep, wake up, go to work, come home, call the fire department, go to a local Library and check out the awesome output you managed to compute, before the fire started!
It won't help us beyond tomorrow but, we will have one Hell of a day's output!!
Oh, you might want to pack a few valuables into the garage, or maybe at the neighbor's.
As for tonight, a measly mess of an output. If nothing else, you all have not given up on me and my ranting for more...or, maybe you have?
No matter. It is FOR SCIENCE (!), after all.
2 million points equates to a lot of Science, so I can be happy for that!! In fact, I am quite Happy, overall, despite my goings on here. I tend to be a bit dramatic in my postings here. I am hope you all can allow me that ounce of extra/ overkill in the name of having a little fun. So, if at any point you find yourself worrying over something I posted in this Forum, remember to put on the rose colored glasses and look at the empty glass as a potentially full drink!
Let me be serious here, for a moment. I will, as I have done (almost) before, get myself banned from my favorite website, ever.
If we succoumb to the Frenchies advancing past us, I will be posting in French. Until they go back to where they belong, or I get deep 6'ed for breaking Forum rules,
I have a job here, motivating my Teammates to Crunch and continue to Crunch for our Team. I hope you all can understand that that (I love it when I can use, "that that"!!) is how I feel about what I am doing here.
I will use all that I,
meager as it is, can, to continue to motivate in strange and dramatically uncalled for manners. As long as you all will have me. So, pump it up if you want me to stay. Or, don't, and see me get banned for posting in French.
Ball is in your court.
How's that for drama?