1. Thanks
2. I'd have to pull a PSU out of a different rig to test, so while it's possible, it might be something I do later as stinger suggested.
3. EPS "adapter" is something I've hacked together from an EPS extension and two 4-pin Molex connection using wire nuts. Not pretty, but it had worked for at least a week on this rig and far longer on a previous rig. However, as anything made with wire nuts goes, especially considering any cable movement that occurred while swapping parts around a week or so ago, it could have come loose. BTW, this is only for one of the dual 8-pin headers, as the second one has a genuine EPS plug connected to it.
4. Feasible, yes, but a pain to do. As I said before, these are v1 chips, so they run a lot hotter than v2 chips do. I had the setup in a different case to start with, but I ended up buying two Noctua 92mm coolers and a second AIO liquid cooler. When I got all the parts I figured that I'd move these v1 chips & mobo to the second case, due to it being better suited to house two 120mm AIO's. The first case was less suited for the AIO's so the mobo & CPUs that were moved over to one this one was a 2P v2 setup. My plan worked fine in that the v1 chips run about as hot with the AIO's as the v2 chips do with the air coolers.
Anyway, long story shot, the v1 rig has two AIO's that would need to come out with the mobo if I run it outside the case, which presents a bigger challenge.
5. I did think of that, especially since one of mine is the Cool-it version you said you had issues with before, but I see no signs of leaking.
Yessir, good ol' basic troubleshooting steps that I should remember to follow, even when I often give that same advice to others. It's been a while, but I worked on a family member's PC once and found a NIC was keeping it from booting by doing these same steps.
I think my first step will be to check the home-made EPS adapter, since it's easiest to verify. From there I will start removing parts to get it down to basics, although I might need to stick with two DIMMs due to dual sockets. I can always swap sticks around to make sure they're eliminated from suspicion. After that I may see if I can pull cables over from the second rig's PSU to hook up to this rig. Unless I have any other tips from you guys I might just open up an RMA with Asus on this board to see what steps they have me jump through. My biggest fear is that they end up telling me that the pins in the sockets are messed up and I'm screwed.

I might have a way to prove that they're not if it comes to that, so I plan to take precautions