Many effort shave been made to eliminate Malaria over the last 50 years; considering the WHO first attempted to wipe it out in the 1960s, it's ignorant to claim the world doesnt care. Hundreds of billions have been spent to try and wipe it out. I remember the drives we had to buy malaria nets for africa in school over 20 years ago.
The reality is that malaria is REALLY hard to eradicate. Not because of the parasite itself, it can only host in humans and can be treated with medication. The single largest issue with africa is......well, its africa. Huge portions of that continent still resemble life 300 years ago. Poverty is rampant. You need modern waste containment systems, road infrastructure, and medical facilities to both treat patients and limit the spread. In the west, we treat mosquitos. We have sprays, and chemicals, that limit their spread. We remove standing water so they cant breed, ece. Even then, we still have cases and deaths. Mostly carried from international travel, but not always. The argument goes that, if we modernize africa, much of this could be done. Of course, that hasnt worked out well, one can look at the collapse of countries like zimbabwe, the slow collapse of south africa, or the coup in Libya. All the positive emotions and construction wont help if war and destruction keep following.
This is why the genetic modification of mosquitos is being considered. The species that carry diseases like malaria and west nile are considered "pests", they are not a part of any major food chain for any other animal. The spread of genetically modified skeeters can be done without the constant follow up that malaria treatments require.
We DO know they carry diseases that can wipe out natural populations, thats why we want to get rid of them.