Gears of War 4
They say the single player campaign it's around 8 hours long. Unless you kill everything very very fast and you never die once,maybe. So far i got around 10 hours in it and i might me at the half of it.
It really takes you on a journey. Completely feel that it has Microsoft all over it, just like Quantum break, this is also a good way to tell a story.
The game doesn't crash, no stupid AI mobs that don't know what to do (Wolfenstein 2017) it runs very well. There is so much color, the graphics are silky smooth and vibrant.
The multiplayer even played with random people, Horde delivers big time! I jumped in it about 2 days ago and from the first moment i was good at it, unlike the people that had much bigger levels. It was very very fun,and as long as your team doesn't give up it can get exciting.
Versus not so much cuz there is really just one weapon that ruins the fun. The shotgun it OP
I think this is a game that does Coop very well. Sad that i did not get to experience it this way. I was the only one who put the money on it. The story campaign has coop written all over it. There are very few game that deliver story + action with coop from the very first moment up to 4 players. Only one i can think about is Left 4 Dead 1&2. (i got L4D2 on sale for 1,99$ on new years night)
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*I can only attach 10 images...don't know why.
Played Aragami for a few hours. And i think this is all the time i can give this game. Don't think i will wanna get back to it any time soon.
It's a stealth game, that it has coop and it would be more fun to play like that. I did it in single player. You got some skills to upgrade, the graphics look very different and are easy on the eye, beautiful colors and everything is easy to distinguish (unlike garbage Black Desert Online). I feel it has a very good story, but i lost my patience with the stealth system etc.
Even tho it has violence (kinda).... i think cuz of the story, smart ways you can approach a level and the way it looks and feels (there is a calmness to it,you can take your time) i can recommend this game to children if they are above the age of 10.
Unlike the crazy repetitive grinding, over sexed mmorpg out there and other insane titles. with Aragami i feel i would let my kids play this.
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*since it is anime/japan is only
normal i got a underskirt image (*neir automata

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