It is the most beautiful graphics up to date!
And that does not say anything. There so many variables and I am not smart enough or have the knowledge.
They did wonders with the graphical engine of Total War. Packing so many units and details improving over the years, and who will never forget the far ahead of it's time Crysis 1 . They all excel at what they do best.
However when it comes to just standing still and moving the camera slowly to take in every detail that you can grab at any given moment wherever you are on the map, God of War wins everything that has ever been done in terms of gaming.
The snow, the details on the characters, face skin muscle movement, fluidity, facial animations! Everything is just simply to much. And it is by an incredible long shoot to anything on the market ever created.
If you watch it on youtube it's not the same. Youtube downscalles at a huge proportion, leaving nothing out of the real thing.
I had the at most privilege to test it. My friend has a PS4 (not the Pro edition). On my TV which is mediocre 1080,a Philips from 2016. It takes beats everything that it is every been done in gaming in terms of just visuals.
God of War is the epiphany of eyecandy
Most don't believe it, cuz i didn't. But when in real life you will play it, amazed you will be.
And that is just the visual. The game does not have farming, not a single drop of it. Comes with very deep emotional story. Right now i think it's one of the very best single player games ever created.
I played it for a few hours. The controller for was a no go, cuz i had no idea what I was doing with the camera. I just don't play with a controller, for the exception of racers and fighting brawler games, where there is no need to move the camera ever.
Right now PS4 is very cheap. Even the Pro edition, I recommend everyone to get one, even if you will only play 2 single games on it ever: God of War and the upcoming The Last of Us Part 2.
No one will ever understand God of War from youtube. I told my friend not to bring the PS4 over, cuz I already seen half of the gameplay and entire story. It looks god and thats it. NOPE!
You have to have it in front of your eyes, to believe it
P.S. In the perfect world of gaming. There will be Witcher story and characters with Dark Souls fighting, with God of War fluidity and movement + graphics, on top of Mass Effect dialog choice and voice acting.
If we will still be alive by then when this game will ever be created, give me a tag here on forum!