Played some more American Truck Simulator:
Going to finish Bomber Crew USAF now (I hope)…
Edit: I finished Bomber Crew USAF and that was crazy:
1) Hit a bunker from high altitude with a bunker buster bomb. Problem is, there's a layer of clouds covering the whole damn map between medium and high altitudes. You have to be above medium height for the bunker buster to work. My solution: lock on to the target at medium height then order the pilot to go to high. This causes the aircraft to pitch at a predictable angle. I missed the first time but when I tried a second time (dropping the bomb a little ways beyond the target), I scored a direct hit.
2) Have to turn around and go back to all of the landing ships that you passed going to the bunker and protect them. This was pure chaos. I took my navigator off navigation and put him on one of the turrets. I also called for the Mustangs to come and auto target (because I was getting so many blips so fast). Meanwhile, I was trying to keep the aircraft moving over the line of ships by telling it to go to the ship at the end of the line, then at the other end of the line, and repeat. It was basically a minute of pure chaos. I have no idea how a managed but I did. Both engines on the right side took a beating, my radio guy needed a medic, and my pilot had a sliver of health left.
3) Surprise! Aircraft carrier incoming and you're carrying the only bomb (bunker buster) that might be able to kill it! Thing is, I'm at low altitude and that carrier is hauling ass at me. I tell the pilot to climb, get my bomber out of his turret and back on the bomb sites, and surprise again! The carrier is like right there in front of me.

Aircraft flies over once and, knowing I have to shoot in front of it to score a hit, that I only got one shot, and that it was coming at me instead of going away, I ignored it then told the pilot to fly at it again. This time, my approach was maybe at 1 o' clock and I was concerned that wasn't straight enough but as it continued to haul ass away from me, my pilot kept pulling it straighter and straighter in pursuit until, incredibly, it was at 12 o' clock and passing it up. Yes! Now I just had to get the timing right. I was still pitching up (climbing to high altitude), which was good, but that bunker wasn't a moving target where this is. Knowing that, I gave it more lead time than I did the bunker and when it
felt right and bombs away! Boom! Connected!
4) Return to base. Ha! I got two gunners from the back that are also paramedics. Had one help up the radio guy so I could figure out where the baddies are and had another heal the pilot whom obviously can't leave his station. There was a lot of aircraft on the way back trying to take me down. I'd guess about 20 total. The gunners were able to deal with them and I was able to satisfactorily heal up the people that needed it as well. Yay! Runway in sight!
5) Landing gear deployed. Right landing gear didn't lower. !@#$ Pilot is already on approach to land. I didn't have any time to make any preparations other than to put the landing gear back up and order the guy out of the lower turret. Emergency landing on to the tarmac! Everyone survived but one guy was down to a sliver of health. It was so low, I wasn't even certain he survived. Then the list scrolled by and all were marked "Returned."
This was probably the fourth attempt at doing the mission, by the way. Live and learn.