Void Destroyer 2 got some more updates so I had to go check it out. This game is dangerous in the fact you think you're going to sit down for 10 minutes to play, and then its 2 hours later. 100 hours has come and gone as I mix between sandbox and storyline aspects. The dev has been making pretty good strides in an effort to get to a nearly feature-complete beta phase on the way to full release. I'm really liking my 30-ship fleet, the battles we've been in and through have been nothing short of epic. Some of the missions are mighty challenging and I like it when I have to choose one of my ships, or buy a ship from the "bad guys" and then I ended up being on the wanted list for a short time.
Flight model and ship feel are all pretty good IMHO, large ships feel bulky, and while optimization upgrades help with speed and maneuverability, they don't make it handle like a small ship. I appreciate that. For an EA alpha game, this title is just too much fun. It's not perfect by any means, but definitely worth a play for any space sim fans IMHO...especially if you appreciate good ship-to-ship combat with newtonian-style physics.
I'll probably keep repeating that sentiment until I finally grow tired of this game...I still have a couple hundred hours or better before I catch up to my time in Elite Dangerous before I burned out...I don't expect this cheap indie title to keep up in that respect, but so far it's just fun to play and the ability to choose how I play, how I fight, how I make money, when I resume to the story line, etc. is also great.
I really cannot say enough good about this one, sure I wish it had better graphics... sure I wish it had better audio... sure I wish it had a little more complexity in trade. But what is there all fits together very nicely and makes something that is simple, yet engaging and complex enough to keep one involved, it is constantly pushing and challenging you, not letting you have any brain dead trade routes that you can blindly let make you money without any management... there's not a lot, but eventually if you don't pay attention, the pirates will persist and win...or your earned enemies from the story as you make a few and also become wanted a few times.
There's a lot to like...and I also really enjoy the RTS and larger strategic scale modes for managing combat, trades, travel, etc.
I also picked up
Astrox Imperium from Steam this weekend, I never did get into the first game, but after spending some time reading up on this and watching videos it seems like it could be pretty fun and lower key than other games I was looking at, X4 Foundations being one of them. I talked to a few folks and they really felt that while Egosoft is making good patches, X4 just doesn't seem ready and has too many issues... fair enough I'll wait. But it appears that Astrox has been making great headway up to version .034 or whatever they're at now. This seems a little more focused on trade, mining, empire, etc...not quite as deep in combat. But still very alluring as something I can get into and have fun with. I never could really get into the X games, having ran through a chunk of X3 TC years ago...it just never inspired me to keep going and I hated the flight model something fierce.
I've only just started in Astrox, but like what I see, and am impressed by the dev. So I'm gladly investing in this title!