I have SE is yours running some mod/s?
i am an old school believer of
in LE i had 255 mods on all my runs except the first run (around 1100hrs on STEAM, in fact i had way more since i also ran a "non Steam" install due to various reasons ) which only had facegen fixes... did not want to get my eyes gouged by an Altmer/Bosmer chin ...
in SE 249 plugins actives, 68 lights at the present moment (meaning 181/255 effective plugins, if i did understand correctly how ESPL works )
main list is comprised of
the obvious: XP32 skeleton, FNIS, Expressive facial animation male/female, Conditional expression, CBP/CBPC (immersion breaking if it's not jiggling(tm) i use a soft setting, nothing exaggerated)alternate start with extension, SkyUI and obviously SKSE64
the fixes: USEEP, SSE parallax shader fix 1.0, SSE Engine Fix (2 part one is Vortex/NMM/MO2 compliant, the second is manual DLL copy )no silly physics damage (i hate when my follower hit a rock with their little toes, keel over and die ... )SMIM SE 2-08.
the beauty: Total Character Makeover 1.2, improved eyes of Skyrim SSE 1.6, Expressive Face Gen Morphs SE, Apachii hairs/KS hairdos SSE/SMP (normal and HDT for the ladies npc/follower)
the landscape beauty: JK's Skyrim all in one (cities and villages overhaul) Lanterns of Skyrim, Realistic water two SE V3.1.0 (and patches when needed), water in wells (Mesh only no ESP needed) and Vivid weather.
the immersion: camping lite, Skytest, immersive weapon/armor/interactions, immersive citizen AI overhaul, scoped bows, Bosmeri cuisine (mmhhh nothing like a good cooked human meat brochette to go with a Bloodfroth...), Dine with follower V1.3, immersive HUD (although i play with no hud shown at all aside the stamina bar) Reproccer reborn.
various NPC/monster/world object improvement (4k textures, better meshes, diverse dragon et caetera)
The Followers: i tend to test a lot of followers, but i have my 3 staples followers mods and one "all in one" Inigo V2.4C SE M'Rissi's Tails Of Troubles SE v1.7 (Fluffy's M'rissi replacer), Song of the Green v1.3 (Auri replacer from SMAFFS) and Interesting NPCs SE for the all in one (also Onean and Neisa from PandeaWork/Morika well ... starting from an artwork and making a full custom voice/scripted follower is always something impressive ... ) i was never one for having a follower but after Inigo ... i started to take a liking to full custom with interesting quest and more interactions than your bog basic vanilla followers, the work done on a single of these 5 followers easily top the devs work on the whole lot of vanilla NPC's in Skyrim

(exaggerating i know i know ... )
main screen : forest fantasy with falling leaves ... (i am a sucker for that kind of thing, even tho you only see it once when starting a run/session )
modified it myself with a change of song ... easy as pie, thanks to Skyrim Audio Converter (wave to XVM) and Waribiki putting a link to download SotG songs
it's the "Song of the Green" Auri sing in the game when doing her quest (well she can sing whenever i want after completing it, also) first part of the song only, to keep it short but still offer a preview