I just finished playing Call of Duty Infinite Warfare's campaign, won't be replaying or touching the multi, but holy shit that was a 10/10 campaign. At 125 fps (that's the cap) it was smooth as butter even maxed out, looked amazing, the space combat was fantastic, I actually had to lean around corners and use tactics to get past several areas. Truly a great game. Would have given anything to see that team make a full on 50+ hour single player only game. Fuck that was the most fun I have had in ages, decent story too. (The AI was surprisingly smart as well, even running away from me and tossing frags behind them to slow me down) Never seen anything like that before, it was epic as fuck
If you decide to play it, make sure you use v-sync in game menu, and make sure you getting 125 fps. Also, unluck the thrustbooster for your space combat as soon as you can, it makes the space combat so insanely fun. It makes you a bit weaker, but you can haul ass through asteroid fields to dodge incoming missiles, etc. Damn it was fun.
Shame Activision never made an Inifnite Warfare 2, I am not really interested in any of their new stuff, haven't played CoD in years.