Just finished
Criminal Girls : Invite Only (PS Vita)
I had a PS Vita somewhere, taking dust slowly dying as Sony completly denied it's existence ...
So, looking the hacking scene and give it a try, at best it works, at worse i'll get a beautiful brick.
Hopefully, it worked like a charm, easy as pushing a button ...
Meanwhile, I was reading
Bitmap Books’ A Guide to Japanese RPGs, and saw this game Criminal Girls, why don't give it a try ?
So, it's a classic dungeon crawler, where you have to "purify" 7 girls, 7 girls for 7 sins obviously.
The girls get XP when fighting, classic, but theirs spells ans skills are unlocked with "motivation" or "punishment" in Japanese version ...
Literrally you'll end touching the screen of the Vita like the early days of the Nintendo DS, but with girls in suggestive poses ...
Did I mention the game is rated M or 18+ ? And why it sometimes called "pervert" games ?
I let you judge and I won't judge. I didn't know what to expect, it's my first time with a game like this.
Now I know. (That's said, you won't find any nudity here)
Like every RPG (even if it's dungeon crawler), you'll get bounds with theses chibi characters, and the game takes a unexpected darker/sadder twist with the story of girls sins.
Even if they're a bit
cliché, you'll get some favorites one and the "motivation" sessions feels very weird and a bit out of place ...
In fact it's reminds me some mobile games. Playing in short sessions, upgrade your characters, move on etc ...
Combat aren't like a FF clone, here, each girl gives you a move : attack, spells, heals ... and you choose the best one for the turn.
It's mostly random, but some patterns are expected.
I've enjoyed my time with this game, music, voices are top notch, and it's relatively fun to play.
To me, the "touching" stuff wasn't necessary, but it's looks like a strong selling point ...
Isn't what we called cultural difference ?
Hey, no, I'm not a perv', but it's the only way for you to get new skills :/
Basic graphics, game was first avaible on PSP, then Vita and PC
Each girls gives you a command move, it's up to you to choose the best one
After reflexion, i wonder if the s3x scene in the God of War games wasn't a step further of this game ?