I caved and bought Battlefield Gothic: Armada, and
@RCoon I can't wait for your review on this title once it is released in a month (4/21 right?) but so far this is a damn fine game!
It is on a 2D plane like Rebel Galaxy, so its more like sea faring ships in space in a control sense. But it works very very well for tactical strategy.
The action, the sounds, the visual presentation, the lore that there is access to in the beta is all great so far! There are a few bugs here and there, but the game looks and runs great overall. It feels very well polished and I'm absolutely happy with my investment of this title. It's more an ARTS than standard RTS...as you battle across the Gothic system you gain repore, which allows you to spend on upgrading your fleet and buying new ships, adding admirals, etc. So far it is incredible...though I haven't tried MP yet and I've only done a couple of the missions available in the prologue. The combat is very weighty and it is really really really fun to ram other ships with your own if you can time it right. This is a space ARTS done right with the WH40K theme...love it!
I also bought into another title called Shallow Space:
This title has some very strong promise with it, kind of melting Homeworld, Nexus TJI and grand strategy into a mixing pot. The development is on the slow side, but they are constantly updating and taking all feedback and working with the community , the graphics are very nice, ship customization is pretty damn good, and the battles are great thus far. The next big update coming soon is supposed to unlock a bunch more to do and experience. I usually am over supporting titles..and this one is an alpha stage...but it's very well polished for an alpha and I feel I've already gotten my $15 worth out of it.
So far what they have created with this title is nothing short of exciting, and very promising...I hope they can deliver a finished product this year...but as-long-as they communicate and keep working with the community as well as they have a chance of something really amazing here for fans that want a 3d space-fleet grand strategy RTS-style game. Which I do...damn I gotta stop browsing Steam after payday! lol!
But I'm having a blast with my investments, and that's what matters...I spent a lot of time researching each before biting the bullet...each offers something I want. Win!