Can someone explain how this is possible with Sata3 (6 gbit/s)?
Samsung Magician's RAPID mode uses your computer's RAM (which is very fast) as a buffer. When you test with a small size (1GB), the test runs in the buffer and hardly touches the drive and therefore reports very fast speeds. When you test with a large size (10GB), it overwhelms the buffer (which is apparently much smaller than 10GB) and has to fall back on the drive itself (which is relatively slow).
Here's a poorly drawn chart I made showing transfer speeds during a theoretical benchmark run with a drive that has RAPID mode enabled. In this scenario, I'm just guessing that it has a 1GB buffer. The transfer speeds are very high until the buffer runs out in which case the transfer rate falls back down to the normal speed of the drive. Because we have that high burst at the beginning, that average for the test is higher than the drive speed itself. If you were to increase the length of the test even further, you'd probably see results very close to the normal speed of the drive since that short burst from the buffer will be almost completely averaged out in the long run.
Long story short, these high speeds are possible because for that first little bit, you're not going over SATA, you're going over your memory bus. Once SATA takes over, you fall back down to normal speeds.
If you were to transfer a file to your SSD, it would get stored in memory very quickly (and the transfer would be considered "complete"), but in the background, your SSD would slowly write all the data to itself until that buffer was cleared.
Since I like analogies so much, let's say I made two cheeseburgers and gave them for you to eat. You can't eat them both instantly, so begin nibbling on the first cheeseburger while holding the second in your other hand. (Your hands are the memory buffer). From my perspective, I gave you two cheeseburgers and my job is done and I can walk away, but it'll take you time to slowly nibble away on them. Before you finish, I try to give you two more cheeseburgers, but you can't hold anymore, so I have to sit and wait for you to finish those two before I can give you two more. (Full buffer, transfer has to wait).
I think I'm hungry.
Btw: Sorry for my bad English and the pictures which i made with the phone
No worries. Welcome to the forums!