back from the 1 chf store

It’s just weird to ne
I don’t want always look at my rig and instantly think disco
well the only moment you will think that ... is when you set them to it ... you decide the color thus as i said RGB is a huge plus on anything it is on, hating RGB is like hating anything that has a LED on it even those that are showing your favorite color.
static color on RGB is the best thing about it ... one day i might want all red or all green but for now it is white although i will still have the option to change without any cost added (nope ... my keyboard was not pricier than a standard static blue/red mech, nor my mouse was more expensive than the other similarly priced i had that had no RGB ) edit: aside my fans and led stripes in the case ...
i can choose the color, unified, fitting the ambiance sometime ... white is universal nonetheless (color coding for keys is quite good also to remind some shortcut and macro

but i can understand if you do like only one single color ofc, me it's all white, all red or all blue depending on the mood but for now all white is mandatory until i get some RGB fans and led stripes ... having only one color option will cost me more later ... my greatest error was to get the fans i have in white, heck they even did cost all together more than the case they are in and no options? yeah you can say i logically hate it
the only moment RGB is disgusting : when the manufacturer only give you the choice of R, G or B or "rainbow puke" always on.
just for you

it stayed like that only enough time till i got the driver installed (although i also could program the lightning using the Fn key and the custom mode, but it would have taken more time than software setup
