Guys sry for the off-topic again but i think it is kinda important to close the topic then without doubts or uncertainties in law.
I wanted to add a little something, so that outsiders reading this on the forum don't get the impression that illegal software deals are being promoted here! of course,
everyone has to obey the laws of the state in which they reside.
You can check your license by the following to be done:
Determine the license type of your Microsoft Office product - Office 365 | Microsoft Docs
View attachment 224983 my license
According to that we are in Germany or in the EU quite liberal and the courts tend to side with the consumers.
Here is another ruling on the OEM issue:
In most cases, the sale of OEM software is only permitted under licensing law in conjunction with hardware. In Germany, such a ban has been declared invalid by the courts for a dealer not bound by a contract - OEM versions are usually upgradeable or updatable.
In other words, when a customer buys a new PC together with a pre-installed OEM version, he pays much less than if he buys the same PC and a normal retail version of the same software separately. Even if he first buys only the hardware and then the software from the same dealer a short time later, he is no longer entitled to the cheaper OEM version. Microsoft calls its OEM versions OSB, which stands for OEM for System Builder or SB(V) (System Builder (Version)). However, the OEM and SB versions differ only slightly in the rights granted.
According to a ruling by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) on 6 July 2000, dealers in Germany are also allowed to sell OEM versions without being tied to hardware. Thus, OEM versions can also be purchased without hardware. The Microsoft company had sued against this and lost. Thus, OEM versions are legally available separately. Microsoft itself or the distributors sell the System Builder versions of Windows and Office only to special contractual partners of Microsoft. In corresponding contracts, the System Builder undertakes to install these versions only on new PCs and not to sell them separately. For each individual System Builder version, the dealer must provide Microsoft with proof of sale. These contracts were introduced in response to the BGH ruling, and they are not affected by this ruling, nor are these special System Builder versions. Since the layperson cannot distinguish these special System Builder versions (OSBs) from "normal" System Builder versions (Non-OSB), the purchase is legal, but the sale by a Microsoft contract partner is not. ( Microsoft vs. the right to treat software licenses differently/equal.
its german. Microsoft lost. read small text above.
So It can therefore be assumed that if the highest German court handed down this ruling 20 years ago, it is also in conformity with European law and is also valid in other member states.
german destilled water --- drop by drop pure quality
View attachment 224986