New driver version, new benchmarks.
Some changes since 3802; 3DMark11 will not start. Not sure if it's my end or if it's a problem with the recent SystemInfo update conflicting, but I couldn't get it to progress beyond the GT1 loading screen.
DX7/8/9 performance has catapulted in some areas and remained level in others. Intel made a big push with the 3959 driver to fix legacy API performance, and it looks like their efforts have been paying off. Here's a comparison of the 3802 driver to 3959 in 3DMark03. CPU overhead issues with the previous drivers have been practically eliminated, and graphics performance in these APIs has seen a very healthy uplift. Still quite a few years behind in raw performance, but now much more within the realm of respectability for such a young architecture.
GravityMark(Vulkan) is showing some interesting rendering anomalies that weren't present before, but performance has not really changed.
Other tests have seen no appreciable change.
The Division has a demo that includes a benchmark.
Annoyingly that requires UPlay, as I found out after downloading the 50GB demo. Yeah, no, sorry. Not putting that crap on my main rig.