I like it, but I'm leaving a "it's ok" because I have to actually go a little out of my way to get it to my taste.
Wow. I couldn't express my opinion better.
Once I figured out I could use
Explorer Patcher and
Start11 to bring back the essential Quick Launch toolbar to the essential Taskbar, as well as the essential Start menu and the essential Desktop (and especially the absolutely essential
Windows 7 Games)

to make W11 look and feel like the venerable W7, I really like W11.
I will add this. Over the years I have learned this about me, and about most other computer users, once we accept that change is inevitable and get past the learning curve of the new UI, these new UIs become intuitive and then we tend to like the new product just fine - often even better.
I used to believe XP was and would remain the absolute best Windows ever. But today, when I stumble on an XP system, the UI looks and feels "clunky" and awkward - hardly intuitive at all.
I'll catch hell for saying this, but Windows Me and internet explorer 6 were kinda awesome.
Not from here, I loved WinME. Not so much IE6. Netscape and FireFox were my jam.
Not from me either. People complained about Me but I liked it. It never gave me problems.
And I never fell for all the security hype Mozilla/FF its followers, the MS and IE haters, and the FUD distributers in the IT Media spewed about IE6 being such a security risk. If you kept Windows and your security current, you avoided illegal behavior, and you weren't "click-happy" on every unsolicited link you saw (the exact same precautions needed regardless your browser of choice), IE6 was not a threat.
EVERY time I encountered one of those FUD distributers, I would ask, "Did you
stop getting infected just by switching to Firefox?"
The answer was always either, "No" they were not getting infected, or in addition to switching to FF, they ALSO started using the ZoneAlarm firewall, installed extra security software, and started to "
practice safe computing" by not opening every email, link, attachment and download they saw.
Now I will say this. Before using IE, I was a diehard Netscape fan. But when IE5 came out in 1999, the company I worked for decided all company computers MUST use IE. I was threated with termination unless I ceded control of my company computer to IT and switch to IE5. The more I used and became familiar with IE5, the more intuitive it became and the more I liked it. Then in 2001 when IE6 came out, I was hooked. I stuck with IE6 until MS tried to jam the first (Legacy) Edge on us, then I switched to Pale Moon. Now I use the new Edge as my primary browser.
Then don't use the Sleep function. It is and has always been an unreliable troublemaker.
While I agree the sleep/standby mode functions have and have had persistent troubles over the years, I personally believe the fault lies primarily with the various hardware makers and 3rd party software developers whose products fail to adhere to the published protocols for those various standby modes. I say that because sleep works perfectly for the vast majority of users the vast majority of the time. Note I did NOT say all users nor did I say all the time.
Purely anecdotal but I never "shutdown" or reboot except to do maintenance or when some update requires it. When I am done with my computing sessions, I typically just close open windows, then let my computer go to sleep. I never "shutdown". Then when I return, I wiggle my mouse or press a keyboard key and the computer wakes. I can go for months without any sleep or wake issues. And that's on 5 computers here, including my laptop.
HOWEVER, occasionally, I will note my monitor(s) are sleeping but not my computer. Most of the time a simple reboot fixes it. Sometimes it doesn't and I end up doing a "cold" boot where I "shutdown" and flip the master power switch on the back of the PSU. That always fixes it and I can go months or longer again without any sleep or wake from sleep issues.
I know many others with no complaints with sleep mode too.
There is no way the OS can account for every possible hardware and software configuration out there. So some troubles are inevitable. But since sleep does indeed work as expected for most, most of the time, I feel it is hard to blame the OS when it doesn't. JMHO.