Something i find pretty stupid is that you can install windows on your Pc then remove the SSD go to your friend house install your SSD into his Pc and use your OS with Microsoft activated

If that how Microsoft works then good for them.
I have a portable SSD i use here for that sort of thing, usually with laptop diagnosis
The activation periodically re-checks (30 days? 180? no idea) and can de-activate at times
Put it back into a system with a valid registered key, and its back
I dont know if others have noticed, but the multi 'window' thing lets you do 4 windows at a time now per screen, not two
So click and drag the title bar of a window to the top corner and bam: you get to pick 3 others to fill the screen
Having 8 windows at a time is funsies- and a huge productivity boost on 1440p and 4k screens