I've never really looked at the rules, but is it limited to one household?
It isn't a problem for me since I use it for my laptops/netbooks and my future desktop
Not one household, but one
person. The person that orders technet is the only person that can use the keys. The only exception is if a business buys the subscription, in which case the software can be installed on any computer owned by the business and used by any employee of the business. However, the software can't be used for production, only evaluation.
Retail copies of Office2007 are good for 3 machines.
Retail copies of OSes are good for one desktop and one laptop install(AFAIK).
I thought only OEM liscences are single-use.
can someone clarify?
Only Office 2007 Home and Student is good for 3 machines/users. All other versions are single user only. And HOme and Student can not legally be used for anything production related(AKA if you make money off it or it helps you make money, you can't do it).
Retail copies of OSes are good for one machine and one machine only. I believe you are confusing this desktop/laptop rule with the older versions of Office, which allowed you to install them on one stationary machine and one mobiel device as long as both were primarily used by the same user.
OEM licences tie the software pretty much foloow the same rules, the only difference is that it is tied to the original machine it is installed on. Retail version can be uninstalled, then installed on a different computer. OEM software can not be uninstalled then installed on another computer.