Worked my way to more PzIV and Hetzer games, I am starting to grow to PzIV (maybe because I am more comfortable with sitting back and snipe with the 7.5 as opposed to the 10.5derp). Still pretty bad with it, but at least I am pulling my weight now rather than being the 2nd to die after suicide scout every other game. As for Hetzer ... I still find it pretty unplayable if I try anything other than camp-sniping. Suffering through it just to get the StuGIII.
Leopard is not as fun as 38NA, it loses too much speed when turning. You can't make as much mistakes, although when you are matched against lesser tanks it is almost godly.
New year plans is to get Porsche Tiger, unlock VK2801, unlock and maybe play Grille.
Which branch should I start next? I am looking at something "fun" and not serious, eg. T50, UE57, ELC AMX etc. Zipping around enemies at reasonably good speed, matchmaking will set me at bottom half most of the time (eg 38NA) where I am not pressured to get medals, and most importantly, teching towards that tank should be relatively painless.