CD... Thats an amazing OC, getting that 26.82310469314079% OC is impressive given that its 65nm and designed not to run too fast so as to overrun the X3... I guess I should stop complaining about my 25.2% OC as my old 9850BE (FOR SALE BTW) could only manage a measly 300Mhz OC or a paltry 12% so in the words of Launchpad of Ducktales lore; "Nobody worry, I'm ok." ALSO when is CP going to update the my post #685 clearly has me getting a score of 9.843 Seconds which would put me a little higher on the list....O, CP lord of my Wprime universe please update the scores.... Please be the charles in charge of my benchmarks and my OC's. Hold me closer Tony Danza.....