I get tired of the ongoing spin doctoring. ATI and NVIDIA are both guilty of it. Pick the benchmarks that best serve your product, build a power point presentation with tons of techy looking graphics, and waste bandwidth disseminating it.
This generation is almost an apples to oranges contest, anyway. Good luck finding a NVIDIA GTX 512MB (Talk about paper launches)... and if you find one expect to pay a premium!!

I just took a look on Ebay (not the greatest source, but one of the only ones where you'll find this rare beast) and people are asking over $900US. Now consider buying four of these (+another new mobo) for quad SLI. Yeah... the kid can go without diapers and formula for the next couple months.
Checking out Newegg I find the 1900xtx selling for $509-559US. Hmmm.... I could almost buy two of them for the price of one of the NVIDIA cards... but then I need that damn new mobo again!
Wait a few months. By then the NVIDIA 178000 will be out (this is sarcasm) with 40 bazillion gigaflops throughput, able to run on 64 wide screens at 1020p, in a proprietory 3d holographic visual format (NVIDIA SuperDupervision). At only $3000 a piece it'll be a steal (ok... stealing is the only way I'd be able to afford it

). And you can buy 15 other cards in order to really experience graphics as they were supposed to be. "NVIDIA®: The way it's meant to be lived". (I took some artistic license with that).
In the ATI camp will be the new 27000 XTX STi AWD AM/FM Mega Toxic AVENGER (the advertising boys decided to be subtle that day). It'll sport 2 petabytes (oh, a petabyte, how cute. Can I have one?) of DDRXXII super overclocked mega RAM. You'll be able to shut off your furnace on cold Canadian winters (yes, it's true... we do live in igloos up here) and will even be able to turn on your a/c. But talk about immersive... I won't even have to leave my living room to experience a moose (substitute a horse/emu/zebra depending on country of origin). And by then the new Creative Smellavision Deluxe Rotisserie Edition will be available. That adds a whole new dimension to the whole moose/horse/emu/zebra thing.
Don't get me wrong... I'm all for technology, I'm just (no longer) a zealot. Past a point, real life sets in. The inexorable quest for every FPS is put aside and reality hits (Oh no... sounds like pre-midlife). I'm happy with my second generation crap. Amazingly, it runs all current games and likely will for the forseeable future. By the way I have two systems (one with ATI, one with NVIDIA).
I'll leave it to the fanboys to lead (and finance) the technological charge. I can't afford the time or effort anymore.
Sorry about the rant. I've had one too many of these wonderful presentations.