Hello people, Today is my first day on this forum, and after reading the threads on the X800GTO2 overclocking etc i have some questions that i would be very grateful if you could help me with.
I have just purchased a Sapphire x800gto2 card, with dual dvi, vivo and the rage theatre chip on the back. I removed the heatsink as soon as buying the card to change the thermal paste to a higher performance one and i noticed that it has a R480 core. On using ATI Tool, i can see that it has 16 pipelines in use, and i have succesfully clocked the card to 520/570 without any bios updates or changes at all. It runs at about 55 degrees C and has had some hard use (10 hour sessions on Battlefield 2).
The questions i have are..ATI Tools reports the chip as being an R430, and i would like to know would there be any more performance gains if the chip were reported as an R480?
And if there are gains to be had, what bios would i have to flash it with?
I have read somewhere that someone said that the performance increased when the chip was reported correctly as an R480, but is that performance purely the change from 12 pipelines to 16, or is it some more performance again that i can squeeze out of this already great card
Thanks in advance