Thanks for the input, I still haven't made up my mind .. It's either this or a new 3d printer and I still don't know what I'll enjoy more
I ran a phenom ii b97 and a couple FX chips hard for years before my ryzen upgrades. Was a total joy to tinker with, and I really pushed everything as hard as it could go.
But I've always wanted a 1366 setup, They were just so damned expensive. Now I have some fun money to burn, and I keep thinking of my old dream intel builds.
Other side of the fence always seemed so much better around then.
I wish I had the money to buy into it years ago, It would've been still solid today, and maybe have saved me some money long term.
It would 100% be just for hobby, I have no practical use for it, aside from maybe adopting it as my daily and mining xmr with my 3700x
But I would lose a lot of current gen goodies for that
That's kind of what I figured. I'm looking for the highest I can get, The most performance possible I can squeeze out of this platform. however..
I have read some conflicting information, with some claiming that the 80 and 90 chips aren't really binned any different, and the increase in frequency is met by an increase in voltage and tdp
Likely will snag a 90 just to have the best odds, but still wonder how much more frequency I would be getting compared to a cheaper one.
Shit maybe I just get both and find out, they're cheap enough now.
Found a couple p6x58d-e's on ebay for an
okay price, close pulling the trigger and bringing my ddr3 out again for some more abuse.
It's still tough to do because I don't need it at all, and I suspect it will ultimately just become another closet decoration.
And I know its just up to me whether I think paying for it is worth the enjoyment I get from fiddling with it.
Maybe I'll get drunk or tired enough tonight to buy it without thinking so hard.
a new delta printer would be fun too though..

Agonizing first world problems