I was thinking to get a second HD 4870 1Gb when prices drop a bit. But i am kinda chicken about my psu. After reading some reviews, one says it can be done others recommend a 700w psu.
I dunno man... Corsair PSU's are really good... i could see your 620W running a CF rig that would need a 700-750W PSU from some other manufacturers. But on the safe side i'd say ~850W should be sufficent, although some pps say 1000W should about do it...
P.S. i bought some rubber screws for my fans, and plan on installing them tommorow, and maybe just maybe take out the HDD bay, and mount my HDD in 5,25" area together with a fan... we'll see how that goes. Getting up at 0700 hours and starting on my project. Reorganize my cables too, outside and inside of my case...
I'm up for some major cabling tommora'
, and then a photoshoot using days light, tripod, DSLR... hope it turns out as i expect otherwise i'll be :shadedshu
Dunno about you guys, but when i change something in my case and around (eg. a new card or a new table) i need a bit of time until i get my mind sorted out on what to do and where...