I've almost pulled the trigger and bought a Zotac card a couple of times, but something always seemed to make be back off at the last moment and get EVGA, ASUS, or MSI. I guess I'm worried about their build quality/QC, as well as their customer service should something go wrong.
Same. I was close on the 980ti and again on the 1080ti, but went with an old familiar brand instead. This time it was more to do with responses I got from retailers tho. I was more than a little eager to get a new GPU this time around, probably because of the gap between gens, so when I was given "early April" in reply to availability of the Strix, I pre-ordered it. Felt optimistic when the next day a review of the card popped up here! Indeed got it the 2nd week in April!
There isnt a lot of diff between the models, less than any I can recall in history. It really boils down to temps, noise, and looks! What I would say is, this is my first card (the Strix) with a greater than 2-slot cooler, and Im that impressed by it, I dont think I'll go back to 2-slot again if given a choice. Out of the box, set it to OC mode, it sat at about 2G in gaming, peaked at 68C. With a small OC on both the mem and core (generally games at 2025), it remains quiet and peaks at 69C, havent tried to push it further. The Zotac looks like a beast too.