Almost every generation had its updates. Whether they use a SUPER sticker for them is beside the point really. Pascal was constantly updated with new products that shaved off the sharp edges on every price point, too. It didn't improve much on performance (VRAM updates gave it 3-4% at the very best), but price wise got pretty competitive. Same thing for Turing's SUPER line up. The whole reason they gave that a special sticker was to re-launch the gen as the initial reception was lukewarm at best.
You get stickers when the original didn't get the expected outcome. Kepler was next level: they made it a whole refresh 'gen' with the 700 series. And not without reason, back then competition was fierce and they needed every last drop of mindshare and performance to keep up with AMD's 7970 and Hawaii. But realistically Kepler refresh was the same thing as SUPER. A few tiny performance bumps, and mostly a price/tier shift. The 780(ti) on the top-end could have had a place in the 600 stack no problem... but we got a dual GPU instead that nobody even looked at.