First build

October 15th 2006
13,587 times
Excellent (5.7)
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Key Features:
System Specs:
  • CPU E6600,
  • PSU Silverstone SST750,
  • RAM Kingston DDR2667,
  • HDD SeagateSATA200GB, Cooling:Corsair500/Swiftech"Apogee"waterblock,
  • GPU's 2X EVGA 7900GT's,
  • Case Lian Li PC-G75
Performed Mods:
Added extra fans and fan controller as well as watercooling, nothing fancy.
Here"s some pic's of the "new" build, a couple of the trusty little Gateway that could and one with my "ugly" mug. lol
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24 Comments on First build

sweet case, wires could use some zip ties but still looks awesome
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Azn Tr14dZ
Really nice build. That is a huge case, but looks great. And wow, Conroe and SLI. Great job...I wish I had the money for something like that.

Also, is that Corsair Nautilus cooling good?
Posted on Reply
Yes, the corsair is great. Easy install and reliable so far. I haven't OC'd and probably won't but none-the-less my CPU has yet to reach over 40C. Tha's with a room temp of 72 to 73F
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not a suicide-bomber
very nice rig, i tought you had a matx mobo, but then i saw that the case is huge
try to hide some wires
Posted on Reply
Is it a tower casing? Man it sure is big and has lots of space left.
Posted on Reply
AgilityIs it a tower casing? Man it sure is big and has lots of space left.
Yea, this thing is very cavernous. I'll tell you what, i'll never go back to a mid or micro ever again. This case was fun to work with. This whole "build" was fun. Believe it or not I did mange the wires so they don't obstruct airflow. I will admit, without a doubt, I need a lesson on how to get this package looking "pretty". lol
Posted on Reply
Like your setup. Cool flatscreen.
A sleevekit and your all set.
7 from me.
Posted on Reply
Nice rig. That case is monstorous.
Posted on Reply
stevorobNice rig. That case is monstorous.
I thought, "this things too big' when it first arrived. but it was so easy to work with, and working "inside" it was real easy. I'm very gald I went "huge" with this case.
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Graphical Hacker
Nice case, cable management is beautiful
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZ
pentastar111I thought, "this things too big' when it first arrived. but it was so easy to work with, and working "inside" it was real easy. I'm very gald I went "huge" with this case.
Well, the good thing with big cases is that they're (usually) easier to work with because of the room.
Posted on Reply
Azn Tr14dZWell, the good thing with big cases is that they're (usually) easier to work with because of the room.
It has definitely "ruined" me as far as going back to a smaller case.
Posted on Reply
WeZaLRad Case. Everything looks super clean inside, goodjob:)
Hey thanks man. i'll tell you these Lian Li cases are encredible. Build quality unsurpassed. Lots of neat little "details". Definitely not a Gateway case. Not as sturdy as a steel case, but then I'm not going to be using it as a couch or chair. Thanks again for the unput.
Posted on Reply
I really like that case... i have two silverstone cases and I love them...great quality

Very clean...nice job
Posted on Reply
that is some awesome case also the components rock :D
Posted on Reply
I like the case and all, but I think the best part is that you included yourself in the pic... makes it that much cooler getting to know the people that put it together.
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Lord_GarshnaI like the case and all, but I think the best part is that you included yourself in the pic... makes it that much cooler getting to know the people that put it together.
hey thanks man. My "hair" doo has alot to be desired, but oh-well. Lol. I actually put that in there to give an idea of just how big the case was in relation to a human. shoulda had my girlfriend in a bikini for that one. too late now!
Posted on Reply
Damn you and your teasing... now I have to go... ummm, use the "bathroom" thanks a lot. Sweet hair btw, keep on truckin.
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nice componants, Cables need ALOT of work i think for the build to look clean.

For a little mod, try sleeving any loose or unsleeved cables.

for a rating...ummm i dont understand the rating system here, is it on the mod/build or what?

If i was to rate the overall look of the build, ide rate it a 4/10, mainly becuase its just installed components in a case with nothing out of the ordinary, i see that at frys or Best Buy. Just constructive critisizm, not picking apart or putting down.
Posted on Reply
beachbum86nice componants, Cables need ALOT of work i think for the build to look clean.

For a little mod, try sleeving any loose or unsleeved cables.

for a rating...ummm i dont understand the rating system here, is it on the mod/build or what?

If i was to rate the overall look of the build, ide rate it a 4/10, mainly becuase its just installed components in a case with nothing out of the ordinary, i see that at frys or Best Buy. Just constructive critisizm, not picking apart or putting down.
No offense taken. The cables do need some work. I ran into a "length" problem trying to hide the cables and trying not to put undue stress on the connections. So I settled with getting most of them on the back wall so as to not obstruct airflow. As for it being modded. It's not. It was just the first one I'd ever built and I was just proud of it so I thought I'd show it off. It was forums like this one and 2 others that "helped" me complete this thing, so I figured I'd let you guy's see what you helped me build.
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Sweet, glad to see you know where im coming from then and not bitting off my head for my comment. Kudos.

As for your wire problem, Large cases have always been a problem for WM. So if your up for the challenge, i would recommend getting ahold of some PLexi and/or Modders mesh.

Both can be found HERE

MESH(available in Black or Silver)
PLEXI(look around and you'll find other thickness' and colors)

With either one of these OR both for some added Bling appeal, you can either Stealth your Entire Mobo tray & mobo (kinda advanced, but if your dremel hand feals the Itch..go for it), Or you can just Stealth the area around your Mobo..meaning the Entire Mobo plate minus the 12"x9.6" mobo (or close size, i just through that out ther). So this way your cables can be hidden from view and you still get to keep the stress from them.

Now how would you actually do this? Useing your own ideas is usually more rewarding for yourself but if you get stumped, then i can throw out a couple that you can choose or choose not to use...up to you.

Mesh only-
Simply cut the shape of youre Mobo tray, then using some small marks, cut out the area where the mobo would be (try to get the corners rounded and get the measurement as close as passible without actually touching the mobo...looks cleaner). Then with your mobo removed set the mesh down on your mobo tray and make some marks where all your extra stand-offs would be.. Drill out those holes in your mesh using a drill bit that is slitely smaller than that largest diameter of the stand-off. Now, stack 2-3 (or if you want more, go ahead, its your mod so go crazy!! lol ) Stand-offs on each hole then use regular mobo screws to fasten the mesh down over your wires :D

Same process, But get the plexi frosted.. By hand is one choice (would prolly take the better part of a full day to do it with a dremel) or by a sand blaster. If you have a small compressor then you can get a small sand blasting kit at Home Depot for around 40-50 bux. Or take it somewhere to get it done...shouldnt cost more that 30bux. Now you can use UV light if you want to set off the color but remember using any light with this you will see your wires a little bit.

Uber 1337 bling stealth. Fallow both steps, just put the mesh either ontop or below the PLexi...see what one you like best. use Rubber washers to keep the Mesh from touching the Plexi or it MIGHT make a vibrating veries.

Well hope that got the modding gears in your brain going.
Posted on Reply
beachbum86Sweet, glad to see you know where im coming from then and not bitting off my head for my comment. Kudos.

As for your wire problem, Large cases have always been a problem for WM. So if your up for the challenge, i would recommend getting ahold of some PLexi and/or Modders mesh.

Both can be found HERE

MESH(available in Black or Silver)
PLEXI(look around and you'll find other thickness' and colors)

With either one of these OR both for some added Bling appeal, you can either Stealth your Entire Mobo tray & mobo (kinda advanced, but if your dremel hand feals the Itch..go for it), Or you can just Stealth the area around your Mobo..meaning the Entire Mobo plate minus the 12"x9.6" mobo (or close size, i just through that out ther). So this way your cables can be hidden from view and you still get to keep the stress from them.

Now how would you actually do this? Useing your own ideas is usually more rewarding for yourself but if you get stumped, then i can throw out a couple that you can choose or choose not to use...up to you.

Mesh only-
Simply cut the shape of youre Mobo tray, then using some small marks, cut out the area where the mobo would be (try to get the corners rounded and get the measurement as close as passible without actually touching the mobo...looks cleaner). Then with your mobo removed set the mesh down on your mobo tray and make some marks where all your extra stand-offs would be.. Drill out those holes in your mesh using a drill bit that is slitely smaller than that largest diameter of the stand-off. Now, stack 2-3 (or if you want more, go ahead, its your mod so go crazy!! lol ) Stand-offs on each hole then use regular mobo screws to fasten the mesh down over your wires :D

Same process, But get the plexi frosted.. By hand is one choice (would prolly take the better part of a full day to do it with a dremel) or by a sand blaster. If you have a small compressor then you can get a small sand blasting kit at Home Depot for around 40-50 bux. Or take it somewhere to get it done...shouldnt cost more that 30bux. Now you can use UV light if you want to set off the color but remember using any light with this you will see your wires a little bit.

Uber 1337 bling stealth. Fallow both steps, just put the mesh either ontop or below the PLexi...see what one you like best. use Rubber washers to keep the Mesh from touching the Plexi or it MIGHT make a vibrating veries.

Well hope that got the modding gears in your brain going.
Sounds good. Give me a while to collect some more cash together. Money's going to be crazy tight with X-mas coming up. But hopefully within the next 2 months i should have that complete. I still have to get some tools and such. Again i really like that idea, thanks beachbum.
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