P4 3.6Ghz at 4.6Ghz on P5WD2-E mobo, BFG 8800GTS, WD 74gb Raptor, 4GB OCZ Gold ram, EnerMax620W Liberty PSU, mix-match water cooled Mix of Danger Den and Swiftech
To come----
8800GTS water block and a 3X120mm rad.
Performed Mods:
P4 OCed to 4.6Ghz, 8800GTS clocked to 655/2100. Custom Blower hole on top of case.
EviLZeD, Thanks, i just used my dermal to cut that open so i can do another water cooling loop for my 8800, my 120mm fan grill is on it's way from Danger Den =)
Pete, thx, but i dont give a shit about what other people with no life think about my stuff..
9 Comments on Evil Eye, 10 months in.
dont mess with this guy :)
Pete, thx, but i dont give a shit about what other people with no life think about my stuff..