Final Fantasy XVI
Final Fantasy XVI is an action RPG set in the sprawling world of Valisthea, where nations clash for control of powerful Crystals and Dominants—humans who can summon devastating Eikons. The story follows Clive Rosfield as he navigates a world torn apart by war and political intrigue, driven by his quest to protect his younger brother and uncover the truth behind the Eikons' immense power. As kingdoms battle for dominance, Clive becomes entangled in a conflict that reaches far beyond his own personal vendettas. Along the way, he confronts both personal tragedy and a looming, ancient threat that could spell the end of Valisthea as he knows it. The fate of the realm hangs in the balance.
Clive must harness the power of the Eikons and make impossible choices to save his world. The game features real-time combat with smooth, dynamic action, allowing players to command elemental powers and face massive enemies in intense, cinematic battles. Originally released as a PlayStation 5 exclusive, Final Fantasy XVI pushed the console's capabilities with its stunning visuals and deep storytelling. Now, with the highly anticipated release of the PC version, PC gamers can finally dive into the world of the newest Final Fantasy title.
Developed by Square Enix, Final Fantasy XVI takes advantage of modern gaming technologies, but lacks support for ray tracing. Built on an unnamed in-house engine, it's definitely not the "Luminous Engine" that was used in FF XV.
The PC version supports the following NVIDIA technologies:
- NVIDIA's DLSS Super Resolution and Frame Generation (DLSS 3)
- NVIDIA's Deep Learning Anti-Aliasing (DLAA)